"He needs to stop crying about blood tests and HGH...He's been on this crusade about HGH, but he needs to be on a crusade about getting these owners together and trying to work out a deal. To me, he's a joke, because every time I look, he's talking about performance enhancements instead of talking about trying to figure out a way to make sure football is played in August."
-Derrick Mason, Baltimore Ravens' Wide Receiver
Amen Derek! I don't care if the players are shooting themselves up with HGH, Steroids, Creatine or whatever the hell they have out there now. Get this deal done and make sure there's football, then worry about the fact that players are taking gamma rays to the face in secret experiments to try to become the fucking Hulk out there. Fuck yea Derek Mason! (Wait, what? Why would that be the picture that came up for "Derek Mason?" For real? Who the fuck are those kids? Are they Derek Mason's kids? Is his wife white? Is his girlfriend white? Is his other girlfriend white? Is that chick he nails sometimes when the Ravens play KC white? Someone get on this, we need answers.) EDIT: Welp, when you don't spell the player's name right, you can't be surprised when you don't get the right results. Fuck yea Derrick Mason!
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