Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quote of the Day

"I don't have a regular job so don't compare me to you and I can care less if uthink I'm greedy."
                                                                            -Chris Johnson, Tennessee Titans RB

Johnson tweeted this after being heckled on twitter by a number of fans claiming he was bring greedy in his holdout.  The Titans reportedly made an offer to Johnson that would have made him the highest paid running back in the NFL, which Johnson declined.  Regardless, CJ is right- he doesn't have a regular job.  His job is to take the football, run with it to the end zone, then come back and do it again.  He's nothing like construction workers, or teachers, or janitors- who have no idea what it's like to be overworked and underpaid.  Are you fucking serious, CJ?  You want to hold out and ask for more, do it.  That's your right.  But don't ask people to understand or be happy about it.  Most people don't have the luxury of holding out, because if they do, they get fired and their kids don't eat.  So stop crying about all the mean things people are saying about you on twitter, call your agent, and get the fuck back on the field.  It's not a complicated process, hundreds of NFL players figure it out just fine every year.

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